something about a black girls weave . :)

so recently , i wanted to try something new. i wanted curly hair. ...the kind you buy though..because between me and the world there is no way that my nappy grain of hair could ever be curly.
i searched online for the best kind to get, some of the weaves were expensive and some were extremely cheap. i showed at least 15 people the hair style i wanted, and they all said . " no, you shouldnt get that, or no that wouldnt look right on you, try one thing at a time ." NOT ONE PERSON, agreed on this hairstyle that i admired so much. One thing i know about myself is that im easily influenced. so eventually i thought about it hard and long and ended up not really making up my mind because of what everyone said.  i wanted this curly hair though, really bad. some of my friends suggested i get a deep loose wave weave, or a straight weave instead. but something about this curl attracted me. now i never had a curly weave in my life, but

 anyway  , today i went to buy the hair. THE CURLY HAIR!  and although i dont really like the way it turned out and i see that curly hair isnt for me im glad that i listened to myself. im glad that i made a decision for myself.  i guess im finally taking the first steps into living for my own purpose.  im proud of me for considering other peoples opinions and still sticking to mines. im really proud.

Photo on 2011-03-12 at 22.26 #2
Photo on 2011-03-12 at 22.26 #2
