Sophia Henninger Capstone

The idea for this project hit me like a ton of bricks. Once someone mentioned the school mascot, I knew this is what I had to do. This project appealed to me not only for the performance aspect, which I will most certainly excel at, but also the chance it gave me to use my creativity to benefit the entire school-body. Making the mascot costume and working at Character Translations Inc. taught me things about the design world that I never expected. Choosing this as my project gave me a unique experience that has taught me skills that I can apply to make aspects of my life. 
Now that the costume is completed, I'm excited to see if and how the mascot is received by the school. One of the main reasons this project was important to me was because I wanted to increase school moral and create support for our athletes. I hope to see the costume used for many school functions. I believe it's something that not all public high schools in Philadelphia have and it could set us apart. 

File is here.

