Sophia Henninger Quarter 1 Art Piece

At first, ideas for this project weren't exactly in high supply. But finally it hit me, a way to incorporate my own ideas with the task at hand, to make something involving the environment, and my own style as an artist. I took a note from the new Pacific Sunwear bags that look like this..

Photo on 2010-11-07 at 18.41

But I adapted it for this project and my skill level. What this is, is a progression with shapes with objects coming through them that have a message or a pattern. Since my project had to involve recycling and being more aware of our environment, my project features things harming the environment while on opposite side it has this that help/save our environment. As a piece, I'm proud of my work. I've attempted things like this before but have never been able to finish it. I also think my message is clear, all these things are are hurting the environment and the ecosystem have to be changed into things that not only do not hurt the it but help them.


1. I started small with pencil on the negative bubble pattern just starting with only a few objects in them and with the beginning of the center piece. 
Photo on 2010-11-04 at 19.46

2. Then I finished the outline bubble pattern with the negative factors on the environment. 
Photo on 2010-11-04 at 20.29

3. I then added the positive side of the bubble stream.

Photo on 2010-11-04 at 21.33

4. I then began to add color using water color pencils.

Photo on 2010-11-04 at 21.58 #2

5. After finishing coloring with chalk pastels all I had to do was write my name on the back and be done.


