Spanish Benchmark Videos

In the first video we show the alphabet because it was a big part of our learning. Quran is the teacher asking the class to say the alphabet in Spanish.

In the second video, we show how we learned the greetings in Spanish. In this video Quran crashes and Gil as the cop comes and introduces to him and asks for his name.

In the third video, we learn how to tell the difference from usted vs tu. In the video, the president is asked in the form of tu and the first lady gasps in shock.

In the final video, we teach the way of using phone numbers and age. The video shows a boy getting rejected and then the girl goes to another boy.

(Two of these videos are bad quality, sorry for that couldn't help it)

Our Script- 

Script 1-

greetings,how are you?, goodbyes


Quran is speeding

(sirens go off)

Quran pulls over

Polic officer Gil walks up to car

Quran opens window nervously

Gil: !Hola! ?como esta?g

Quran: (confused) mas o menos ?y tu?

GIL: !bein! ?como te llama?

Quran: Quran

gil: !mi nombre gil!

(pause)uhhh adios!

Quran: ??como??

gil: !adios!

Script 2- difference

how are you?

president of mexico is in town with his wife……

setting: press conference

reporter: !hola presidente!

presidente: !hola! ?como esta?

reporter: !bein! ?como esta y tu?

first lady gasp’s

reporter: lo siento! lo siento!

first lady: !por favor salga!

presidente: no

Script 3-Numbers, phone numbers, age

Boy: ¡Hola, chica!

Girl: ¡Hola!

Boy: ¿Qué tal?

Girl: ¡Bien!

Boy: ¿Cuantos anos tiene?

Girl: Quince, ¿y tu?

Boy:Tengo catorce años. ¿Cual es tu número de teléfono?

Girl: ¿Como?

Boy: ¿Cual es tu numero de telefono?

Girl: Ummmm. No habla español. (Girl walks away toward another guy) Laughs:) tehehe!

Boy: ¡Ay, Dios Mío!

Script 4-

Teacher: ¡Hola clase!

Class: ¡Hola Senor!

Teacher:¿como se dice ¨Q¨ en español?

Class: Q (in spanish)

Teacher: ¡Muy bien! Now lets do the whole alphabet!

Teacher & Class: ¡A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, Ñ, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z!

Teacher: ¡Hace Calor! ¿Si chicos?

Class: ¡Si!

Teacher: Sale Clase, ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?

Class: Hoy es el veinticuatro de octubre

Teacher: ¡Si clase! ¡Aidos Clase!
