Spanish I: Goodbyes and Hellos (2) by Mingxue Zheng and Lala Doumbia
Here are some basic conversations:
Play #1
Sally:¿Qué tál?
Mike: ¡Buen! (means: fine)
Pronunciation: (be-in)
Play #2
Jordon: ¡Hola!
Jordon: ¿Como estas?
Sherry: Mas o memos. (means: so-so)
Pronunciation: (mas-so-men-nos)
And some other replies:
English meaning: | Spanish | Pronunication |
happy | feliz | (philies) |
sad | mal | (ma-ir) |
excellent | excelente | (excellen-de) |
horrible | horrible | (holy-lee-bree) |
marvellous | estupendo/a (ends with”o” means masculine, ends with “a” means feminine) | (es-do-beyon-do) or (es-do-benyon-da) |
See you later
Hasta luego (a-sta) (lue-wav-go)
See you tomorrow
Hasta mañana (a-sta) (man-ya-la)
Goodbyes: informal
Bye: Chao
Goodbye: Adios
Remember! When you use informal terms, always use it when you were talking to a person your age, first encounter, a a close friend.
Goodbyes: Formal
Its a pleasure.
Un Placer
(n) (pla-see-er)
Its nice to meet you.
Mucho Gusto
(mo-sho) (good-stole)
Remember! When using formal terms, always use it during formal situations or talking to someone who are respected, an elder, or someone older than you.
Congratulation on learning how to say hellos and goodbyes, Last but not last give yourself a tap on the back!
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