Spanish I: Numbers 100-900 by Mingxue Zheng and Lala Doumbia
Numbers 100 - 999: In these set of numbers, the hundreds and the tens place don’t need to be connected by “y.” But, you need to connect the tens and the ones place by “y”
Numerals | Spanish | Pronunication |
100 | Cien | (see-in) |
101 | Ciento | (see-in-doe) |
102 | Ciento dos | (see-in-doe) (doe-s) |
144 | Ciento caurenta y cautro | (see-in-doe) (qua-ring-da) (e) (qua-joe) |
200 | Doscientos | (doe-s-see-in-doe-s) |
202 | Doscientos dos | (doe-s-see-in-doe-s) (doe-s) |
300 | Trescientos | (tris-see-in-doe-s) |
389 | Trescientos ochenta y nueve | (tris-see-doe-s) (all-chen-da) (e) (new-wave-ve) |
400 | cuatrocientos | (qua-joe-see-in-doe-s) |
500 | Quientos | (key-in-doe-s) |
600 | Seiscientos | (sis-see-in-doe-s) |
700 | Sietecientos | (see-at-de-see-in-doe-s) |
800 | Ochocientos | (all-cho-see-in-doe-s) |
900 | Novecientos | (no-ve-see-in-doe-s) |
999 | Novecientos noventa y nueve | (no-ve-see-in-doe-s) (no-van-da) (e) (new-wave-ve) |
Trick: The single number + cientos (100, plural with a “s”) + the tens place (without “y”) + y (connect the tens and the ones place) + (single number)
EX: 685
Seiscientos ochenta y cinco
EX: 105
Ciento (single, no “s”) cinco
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