Spanish I: The Goodbyes and Hellos (1) By Mingxue Zheng and Lala Doumbia
¡Hola! The Way to Introduce Yourself
You definitely, definitely need to know this lesson in order to go through the whole social process because you will get very awkward if you represent the empire of America and lost your politeness in a conversation just because you don’t learn it in high school. So, stop being depressed and put your learning gears on! There is a second lesson that will enhance your skills in introducing yourself
The ways of saying Hi!:
Time frame | Meaning: | Spanish | Pronunication |
All the time | Hi! or Hello! | ¡Hola! | (all-la) |
In the Morning | Good Morning! | ¡Buenos Días! | (windows) (de-as) |
In the afternoon | Good Afternoon! | ¡Buenas Tardes! | (windows) (started -this) |
In the night | Good Night! | ¡Buenas Noches! | (windows) (nar-ches) |
The two ways to say how are you informally - these are the ways of saying hello to someone your age, a close friend, or a person with a first encounter. Basically, these are the way to say hi casually.
English | Spanish | Pronunication |
How are you? | ¿Cómo estas? | (comb-mo) (es-stas) |
How are you? | ¿Qué tál? | (ke) (tile) |
How to say How are you formally or in a pural state: to say How are you formally means that the person you are talking to can be an elder, a boss, or someone you respect.
Situation: | English | Spanish | Pronunciation |
Formal | How are you? | ¿Cómo esta ud.? | (comb-mo) (es-ta) (wo-stead) |
Pural | How are you? | ¿Cómo estan uds. | (comb-mo) (es-ta) (wo-stand-this |
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