Stereotypes: Where do they Begin? Post #2
My first Blog Post explained the meaning of a stereotype and how its purpose invaded the lives of youth. If it was not clear the reason I chose this topic was to address the issue of stereotypes being presented to the youth. The remaining question was how do stereotypes evolve? When it came time for me to collect original research I was not sure of what I wanted to do. Surveys, tests, and interviews were few of my ideas. The fastest and easiest thing to do was a survey. When I made the survey I made sure to ask questions about information I needed. I also thought about information that I have read online about this topic. I needed to make sure that I could compare and contrast my original research to information I have gathered from online resources.
Information I have gathered from my original research indicated that youth are aware of stereotypes and some are bothered by them. When asked “have you ever heard a stereotype?” 100% of people answered “yes”.
For my original research I have conducted a survey. This survey was sent to the 9th and the 11th grade class of SLA. It included a question asking for a personal definition of the word stereotype. More than twenty people took the survey and majority ruled that stereotypes were “false statements that are generalized or expected out of a certain group of people.” Sources from the internet concluded that a stereotype was an “over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people”. I and a few others and definitely agree that these two definitions are pretty similar. The results have also shown that majority of stereotypes witnessed were portrayed in Reality/Public which includes social media. Since my last post, I have also found that 91.3% of the people that took my survey make use of stereotypes.
I think doing a survey was the best choice to do. Doing a survey allowed me to collect a lot of information that helped me understand that majority of youth are aware of stereotypes. Even though 91.3% of people said they make use of stereotypes, 83.4% of people said that they were bothered by them. I believe that people are unaware of their wrong-doing until they are pointed out to them. If you do not want anyone stereotyping you, then you should not stereotype anyone else.
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