Story: Smart Cat

Most people talk about how smart, or cute their pets are. They say that they can do trick and just be as cute as can be. My cats....aren't like that. We got them at an animal shelter (which I also volunteer at). The oldest is smokey and the baby would be Pecan Swirl. The two are total opposites

The first week we brought them home, something odd kept happening. One of the two..was going to the bathroom all over the place. We didn't know who it was, so we kept making sure they knew where the litter box was. Well, it didn't work; it kept happening and so we started blaming Smokey for it because we thought that because she's the oldest, her memory must be shot. So, Smokey was punished each time it happened. One day, I was in my room and Smokey came up to me. She meowed and pointed towards the door, as if to say "come with me please". So, I followed her. This cat was smart enough to go to the litter box and showed me that she knew how to use it. I was stunned. Most cats just take it, but Smokey wouldn't have any of it. She's too smart.

Pecan, on the other hand, isn't that smart. Not that I think she's stupid but...that's another story
