Story Number 1

Ok I feel like a lot of my stories will involve the escapades of my youngest brother, Dalton, and I. He's eight years old, in third grade, the spawn of Satan and Spiderman and my best friend. 

I work at the Mütter Museum, and most weekends I'm there giving tours. Well, last weekend, Dalton decided he wanted to come with me because he loves the museum. This particular time I was giving a tour to a group of adult students. Dalton tagged along for the actual tour rather than wandering the place himself, and he had much of the tour memorized, well, as memorized as his eight year old mind could understand. 

We got to one of his favorite exhibits, the "Megacolon", which is a ridiculously huge distended colon taken from a man who suffered from a condition called Congenital Aganglionic Megacolon, or Hirschsprung's Disease. This is basically a section of colon that has no working nerve endings, causing chronic constipation and an accumulation of waste that cannot be naturally excreted by the body.

 Anyway, I mentioned that the specimen we had on display was a "biological specimen", and that it was the original colon casing and was now stuffed with straw. Dalton had been politely quiet until this point, where he cut in and turned to address the crowd of adults surrounding him. He said, with a perfectly straight face "Yes, it is now full of straw, however, originally, it was full of poo." 

How he managed to say this in such a serious tone with a straight face and not dissolve into laughter, (he is eight after all) is beyond me, but it's just one of many reasons why he's great, and I think he might have to come to more of my tours to add in his own anecdotes. 
