Story of a bill; Employment discrimination Laws
When choosing which bill I should do it was kind of difficult because there are so many bills and laws out there to choose from so I decided that I would choose the first one that sounded interesting to me and the one that I really know least about. After choosing this bill I decided that the best way to present it was in prezi, I like prezi for presenting things because it is not lecturing to people and it is not boring, I like prezi's because they give out the information but in a interesting way. Even though I like presenting in a prezi there were some issues that did occur. Some of which what order I wanted to tell the story, another problem that came up is how long should the presentation be so that is does not become boring and so that people can get a full understanding of the bill is saying. If I can do the project all over again I probably would would maybe try to present it in some kind of comical way. What the research and investigation process tells us about the creation process is basically what happens with other bills some one notices that something is not working for them so they propose a way to solve it and it goes from there, what I did notice is that it is not that hard in the beginning but towards the end it became much more easy.
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