Student Cam Reflection - Amaris Romero
I decided to do this topic because I know I wanted to do something involving teens in high school I just didn't know what exactly it was that I wanted to do. I decided to work in a group of up to 3 students because we all wanted to do the same project involving privacy rights, the fourth amendment. I believe we are the only school in the district that does not have any metal detectors. It was interesting and we felt as a group to compare the different opinions o privacy from a school that has metal detectors and from a school that doesn't have metal detectors. It made sense for me because the fourth amendment speaks out on behalf of privacy rights and so do the students we interviewed from both schools. Overall I had a great interest in this topic because of the rights we have in our school and how independent we are.
My favorite part about this project was going to another school and interviewing the students. It was a good experience for me because I wanted to know how other students felt about their privacy rights overall. The most challenging about the interviews was the fact that a lot of the students were shy and didn't want to do the interview. We had a hard time trying to get the students to speak the first time we went out to interview. The second time we went to interview it became more interesting because many of the new students were volunteering to do the interview. It was also difficult because the principal wasn't there and we needed his opinions as well, so we just rescheduled and came back other day. The interviews I believe were the most challenging for me.
The most interesting thing I learned from this was the responses I got from the students. I learned so much on how they view privacy and how the process is for them. It takes the students about 15 minutes to get through the metal detectors, it's their process of getting into school where for us SLA students it takes about 2 seconds because we only sign in. It was interesting to see how their school life is and to see how affected the students were because of the process. The process also hasn't changed for them over the years.
I honestly don't think this project should be improved in any way except when it comes to the rubric. Maybe next time you should pass out on paper or online a rubric students can go off of during the process of the project. Other then that I don't believe anything else should be improved. I agree with the set-up and the overall process of the way the project is.
One big problem we ran into during the project was trying to interview the principal in SLA. It was difficult because at times because me and the rest of my group would get distracted and either forget to do the interview or would be to busy to do it. Also, when the time came down to us interviewing the principal we couldn't because he was busy. That was a major problem we had but we ended up interviewing another person.
The interviews with the students at both my school and at Benjamin Franklin High school went well. The process of going to the other school and being able to do the interviews with the students was great because we didn't come across any problems with the teachers or the students their. The project overall went along smoothly and well because we did have a few bumps along the process but we managed to get across and through our challenges.
If I were to do this project again I would manage my time better with the interviews from both schools. The decisions about the amendment I chose I would of possibly considered and brought up different high school privacy rights other then metal detectors and searches. I would have considered doing the topic about freedom of speech in high school and the overall views of how kids feel about it. Overall I believe we done well with the project and I would do everything else the same way I have done it now in the same process and the same decisions.
I learned a lot from this project about privacy rights and how other schools have to manage through it. How long it takes for them to go through metal detectors and how the process is. I learned that our school is the only school in the district that has no metal detectors. I also realized that our school is given a lot of freedom compared to other schools that have metal detectors and it's because our school can trust the students considering the fact that our school is an independent school.
My favorite part about this project was going to another school and interviewing the students. It was a good experience for me because I wanted to know how other students felt about their privacy rights overall. The most challenging about the interviews was the fact that a lot of the students were shy and didn't want to do the interview. We had a hard time trying to get the students to speak the first time we went out to interview. The second time we went to interview it became more interesting because many of the new students were volunteering to do the interview. It was also difficult because the principal wasn't there and we needed his opinions as well, so we just rescheduled and came back other day. The interviews I believe were the most challenging for me.
The most interesting thing I learned from this was the responses I got from the students. I learned so much on how they view privacy and how the process is for them. It takes the students about 15 minutes to get through the metal detectors, it's their process of getting into school where for us SLA students it takes about 2 seconds because we only sign in. It was interesting to see how their school life is and to see how affected the students were because of the process. The process also hasn't changed for them over the years.
I honestly don't think this project should be improved in any way except when it comes to the rubric. Maybe next time you should pass out on paper or online a rubric students can go off of during the process of the project. Other then that I don't believe anything else should be improved. I agree with the set-up and the overall process of the way the project is.
One big problem we ran into during the project was trying to interview the principal in SLA. It was difficult because at times because me and the rest of my group would get distracted and either forget to do the interview or would be to busy to do it. Also, when the time came down to us interviewing the principal we couldn't because he was busy. That was a major problem we had but we ended up interviewing another person.
The interviews with the students at both my school and at Benjamin Franklin High school went well. The process of going to the other school and being able to do the interviews with the students was great because we didn't come across any problems with the teachers or the students their. The project overall went along smoothly and well because we did have a few bumps along the process but we managed to get across and through our challenges.
If I were to do this project again I would manage my time better with the interviews from both schools. The decisions about the amendment I chose I would of possibly considered and brought up different high school privacy rights other then metal detectors and searches. I would have considered doing the topic about freedom of speech in high school and the overall views of how kids feel about it. Overall I believe we done well with the project and I would do everything else the same way I have done it now in the same process and the same decisions.
I learned a lot from this project about privacy rights and how other schools have to manage through it. How long it takes for them to go through metal detectors and how the process is. I learned that our school is the only school in the district that has no metal detectors. I also realized that our school is given a lot of freedom compared to other schools that have metal detectors and it's because our school can trust the students considering the fact that our school is an independent school.
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