"Suffering with Love"
While doing this interview I learned a lot of things while doing this podcast. I learn that my family is really messed up, that they supposedly want the best for my sister and I. I notice that they only want them selfs to be happy, use it doesnt matter, as long as my parents are happy they think we are happy. Well that is not the case. Falling in love is scary, not because we'll get hurt, it's because they fact that the people we are suppose to trust, won't like our partner and try pulling us apart. As they are doing to my sister.
I learn my sister has so much pain in her. While telling her story she wanted to cry, but she didn't, she kept that smile I see her fake everyday. She tried hard not to cry while telling her story, I know it may not sound like she wanted to cry but that how good she is because she been trying so hard not to cry for past year or so. As my sister I know her well. She likes to hide her feelings from other. She keeps away to avoid me seeing her cry, but sometimes she breaks down and comes to me and cries in my arms. She is in pain, and the people we thought we could trust are making us go threw that pain. I am in a similar situation my self but not as bad as she is. I learn so much threw doing this podcast, I learn how to edit which I never knew. I learned how to understand how my sister is feeling.
The comments with my peers I agree with them. They were positive comments. I think I did good as well. Had a little mistakes around, I fixed them up and my podcast was like I wanted it to be. Doing this podcast taught me a lot. This was my favorite project because it was interesting to know how others cross boundaries, how other people feel.
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