Sunny Gogolu Capstone

This capstone project involved mentoring two FIRST LEGO League (FLL) teams, guiding them through the process of project development and presentation. My role included organizing out-of-school sessions to work on mini-projects, such as creating custom banners and presentation slides, and ensuring the teams were well-prepared for competition late in the spring. Through this experience, I gained insights into leadership, communication, problem-solving, and project management. I learned the importance of patience and adaptability while keeping a collaborative and innovative environment for the students, just like we do at SLA, and using the core values to the best of my abilities. Reflecting on the experience, I identified several areas for improvement, such as initiating planning and organization earlier, incorporating more team-building activities, seeking additional mentorship training, and implementing regular feedback sessions for each of the kids and the slides that we had to go over. These adjustments could enhance the mentoring process, ensuring even better outcomes for future teams like mine that I helped out this year. My involvement in this capstone project not only improved my own skills and knowledge but also had a positive impact on my school. By promoting STEM education, encouraging teamwork, and leading by example, I helped create a culture of collaboration. The resources created during the project, such as custom banners and refined presentation materials, serve as valuable assets for future FLL participants. Overall, doing this capstone project improved my understanding of FLL mentoring, showing the importance of support, creativity, and resilience in guiding young learners. The experience of effective mentorship helps shape the next generation of innovators and leaders.

This Link Is my Final Website for people who want to know more about my project and the FLL community, whether you’re just getting started or even if you don’t know what FLL is !

This Is my Annotated bibliography, that shows the resources I used before starting mentoring
