Supporting the LGBT_ Blog post #3

This is my last and final blog post of the You and The World Project, this also includes the post for change. Which is when you choose something unique in order to demonstrate/ show awareness about your topic For more information on my previous blog posts, please click here
Some things that have been done to support the LGBT community would be things such as clubs, programs, petitions, and even organizations that people begin on their own. When positive changes like these are occurring then they result in bringing awareness to the LGBT community as well as their constitutional and civil rights. Also, even well known people like President Barack Obama have brought full attention to issues that branch out from my topic. Afterwards, this can be the result of informing everyone in the U.S as well as world-wide. 

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To support the LGBT you don't have to be gay, all you need to do is be yourself and that will do. The LGBT community want respect and that can easily be earned because they are humans and have rights like we do too.

In my opinion I think that these ways are an amazing and inspirational way to make a change in this world. These are just some of the small things in life that can actually begin to form a huge difference. Things like clubs and programs are ways in which everyone can get involved in. This can even begin in places like schools, a great opportunity to let voices of students be heard and make CHANGE. 

Change is just a word, but... once someone comes and proves it, the whole world sees it. 
If your interested in learning more about my issue, check out this website.


Something I plan on doing to make change would be to create a slide show in order to raise even more awareness about my issue, more like informing others, especially the ones who are bias and don't know much about my issue in general. Adding on this, I felt like this still wasn't enough. In order for me to make change and feel good about it, I would have to go beyond my comfort zone, and so I did!!! That's why in less then a week or so I will be in front of an audience speaking about my issue! This will be taking place in my middle school, but I must admit this is really nerve racking! Along with this speech I will also be presenting something more visual to these middle schoolers and that is the presentation I mentioned above. 

To view this presentation, take a look below; 

For more resources, check out the bibliography!


Mrs. Dunn
Julia Boyer -Student Assitant Teacher 
Classmates - For reviewing my blog(s).
