Symone Smith Second Marking Period
Also unfortunately, during this marking period I got a little side tracked. I found myself getting bored with the piece I had started the first marking period, so I started on a new project. A hobby that I had taken up was polishing my nails. However this was not just polishing my nails with one color. Some how I had taught myself to duplicate the nail art that is done professionally at salons. I had not realized that this in fact was an art until I received comments such as "Your really talented!" and "Wow.You should get a job at the nail salon!". So as a side project,I paint several girls nails in my art class. I have done intricate designs such as strips and flowers.
Truthfully I was back an forth this marking period. Closer to the end of the quarter I got new ideas on how to complete the Super-Girl replica and also realized new meaning to why I started this project in the first place. This Super-Girl sign, although viewed as childish,in essence represents the strengths and weaknesses women and I have. Strength is represented by the the sign altogether. The candy wrappers represent the weaknesses. It was brought to my attention that in the end you can and will have both strengths and weaknesses. I feel as though this sign does symbolize me in a way, so it is vital that i complete in despite the minor set backs.
Beginning Sketch
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