Tahlia Nguyen's Capstone

Ever since I was a child, I loved animals, which is why I want my capstone to be animal related. So for my capstone, I decided to make a website for those around Philadelphia and surrounding areas who want to get involved with animal care but need help figuring out how or where. More specifically, I wanted to make a website to provide others with a way to find places to volunteer without having to do all the research. This idea came to me because I wanted to volunteer at any animal-related organization. While looking for places, I found it frustrating having to research and then having to find out that they don’t take volunteers or that volunteers have to be 18+. So, having a website where a volunteer application is just one click away will make it easier for more people to volunteer and will hopefully help with that shortage of animal care workers.

Website: https://sites.google.com/scienceleadership.org/animalcarelovers/home

Photos I took while volunteering: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16aGf0yI-nBlYgC6lLZZsx5zRShCt9t2D?usp=sharing

Annotated Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16agV41hoE-3q0byc99d0Dg4P-kNSs2sOkvBdwYKspp8/edit?usp=sharing
