Tech slide/ script

Lando (tech)

On this slide you will notice It’s pictures with words underneath. But if you look closely you will notice there’s a color pattern with my words. For example the words LANDO, PHOTOGRAPHER, SUPPORTIVE are grey and ENGINEERING, and DEPRESSION are white. I had put these colors together because they went right with my background and made my pallet perfect. Now as you can notice my images are large and “bleed” off the edges of the end of each other and shows that they ain’t all the way solid. My pictures bleed because they have action to each of them and it wouldn’t fit all the way for example my Sneaker picture I took of my phone “bleeds because i only to show my shoe brand because I love Vans. My supportive team for autism the last picture to the right is bleeding because you can tell there’s more people because the girl face is almost cut off to fit. Finally the last thing I would like you to notice is that I have 5 words and 5 pictures because Each word goes with one picture. For example the Depression word goes with my grandpa because i wrote on my me magazine and stated that “my grandpa death had been a major problem for me because it caused me to go into a depression stage. Than I added the picture of the brand of my sneaker is for photographer because i take pictures that entertain me or i just want to because I was bored.
