Tech One Slide
Fionn Hyland
Red Stream
The slide
I made my slide the way it is because I put thought and research into it. In my slide there is a map in the background I decided to put the map in the background because people can look at the map just by looking at it it does not take time to look at it. I decided to say places I have been as the title was because I thought it was short and to the point but I also decided to do that because of my research. In the article presentation zen in the section glance media they mentioned that people will not slow down to look at something that takes time to read they will not slow down to read something that does not take forever to read. I decided to put the country’s I have been to in different colors because I thought that it made the country’s pop but I also did it because of my research. I research I used was presentation zen and it was in the same section of the article glance media in that section it said when people slow down they notice a few things but one of them was color so I put some color in there.
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