14th amendment Q2 BenchMark

I would like to start out by saying me and my partner Brittany have learned alot more about ourselves and our struggles with our past and our present by completing this project. Using the 14th amendment with both of us having ethic backgrounds and experiencing discrimination in some sort of way whether it be school, jobs, or anything that we as people can come into contact where you can possibly be judged for, we deal with on a daily basis. I know that not only is the 14th amendment important to me and Brittany, but that law being written im the past has given us ample opportunities for today and will give us even more our futures. We hope that you enjoy our video.


"HIV/AIDS Discrimination - Recent Court Cases, Issues and Articles." American Civil Liberties Union. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <http://www.aclu.org/hiv-aids/hivaids-discrimination>.

"HIV & Your Civil Rights: Know Your Rights in the Workplace." American Civil Liberties Union. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <http://www.aclu.org/lgbt-rights_hiv-aids/hiv-civil-rightsbrknow-your-rights-workplace>.

"History of U.S. Since 1877 Important People, Terms, and Events." Colorado Public Record Search. Web. 20 Jan. 2012. <http://coloradopublicrecordsearch.org/95/history-of-u-s-since-1877-important-people-terms-and-events/>.

Somerville voices article. web 23 Jan. 2012<http://www.somervillevoices.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/somerville_ma_schools_graduation_and_drop_out_by_race_ethnicity-1.jpg>.

Proficiency of Black Students Is Found to be Far Lower Than Expected. web 23 Jan. 2012 <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/09/education/09gap.html>.

How Important is Cultural Diversity at school your school. web 23 Jan. 21012 <http://www.greatschools.org/find-a-school/defining-your-ideal/284-cultural-diversity-at-school.gs 

Racial Disparity in School Suspensions. web 23 Jan.2012 < http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/14/education/14suspend.html>

Milestones in African American Education. web 23 Jan. 2012 <http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0872844.html>

Minority Education Gaps http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/EducationGa/start/0/stop/269 Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000105 EndHTML:0000004461 StartFragment:0000002704 EndFragment:0000004425


HIV discrimination first came to my eye when I seen that on c-span it had a whole section on HIV/Aids and my teacher though it would be cool to talk about one of those topics so I chose to talk about discrimination because it kind of reminds me of HIV stigma. The best part of this project was learning my rights in a work place. The most challenging part was really facing that this really has happen to people in the real world and that it is really sad. One of the good facts that I found out was, the national law protects anyone with AIDS or HIV, but only applies to businesses with more than 14 workers. Many state or local laws cover smaller businesses, but some only cover people who are sick. I really didn’t run into a problem with this project. Over time being at SLA I became comfortable with talking about HIV and that is really because of the staff and students there at SLA. Also doing projects like this helps me not only be better with my self but also learn so much more so me running into a problem was not there at all. I think that the entire project went well. I really like how our classmates willing volunteered their services to help Brittany and I with this. If I had to redo this project I would not do anything different. I think that it is all good where it is. I learned that no matter of race or sickness if ur not putting anyone at harm by being there in that workplace or where ever they can not fire you or kick you out it is really agents the law its a crime to do so.

