9th Grade English Launches You and the World!

Red and Orange 9th grade English students have begun their You and the World projects!  This year-long project asks students to take an interest in local, national, or international issues that they are willing to learn more about. They develop a passion for research, relay that knowledge and passion to others, and seek to educate themselves and those around them via public writing and a service component. 

Fueled by essential questions like, Why is this world issue important to me? How can I be a global citizen? How can change occur?, students will become "agents of change" for their issues in the Spring when they choose to do volunteer work, perform a civic action, or spread awareness through presentations and activities in our school community (including The Franklin Institute).

Students craft a series of blogs about their experiences going through the You and the World process. Please click on Red Stream  Orange Stream to read and comment on their first round posts. They would love to hear from you!!

