Thailand vs. Burkina Faso ('Collapse'ibility) - Blase Biello
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Q3 BM Reflection
My countries were; Kingdom of Thailand and Burkina Faso. Thailand is located on the continent of Asia, while Burkina Faso is located on Africa. It was interesting to look at the similarities and differences of these completely different cultures/landscapes. Most of my process was research. I spent a great amount of time reading countless articles on a plethora of credible websites. I found at least one article for each piece of the 5 Point Framework and read it, taking down the most important pieces of information. Then, I took all of my research and put it together in a clean informative presentation. I actually enjoyed the 5 Point Framework guideline, it made everything easier. With the 5 point framework, I focused on specific things; instead of getting as many facts as I could get and spitting them on a PDF. The 5 Point Framework is very sensible and easy to abide by. If I could change one thing; I'd probably add more pictures, but I think I'm okay. This is mostly an informative, serious PDF; so too many pictures would ruin it, in my opinion. I really liked this project, and it really allowed a large amount of freedom to present our information in pretty much any way we wanted, which I appreciated. It was also a very interesting project and I've learned many, many things through it; solid project.
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