The Art Benchmark

Art benchmark

Throughout this year, I have been working on painting, drawing reality images and self portraits. This year, has been a challenging year, I had to try new things in art class. Painting, Reality Images, and the Self portrait, it was challenging but not hard. At first it was hard looking at it from a specific point of view but after trying and see that it was a little easy, then I got into the zone. How was I doing? At first I was doing bad, but not bad. Yeah i had to redo sometimes, but once getting that feeling it became easy and took a different turn. I felt more comfortable in the things I did. For example the painting, that was hard, but not impossible. Before beginning the tiles, I tried to make sure that the color matched up with each other. Even when I was sure, I wasn’t position but I had to do it because it was a grade. Another example, the reality drawing - now that was hard. I miss up a lot of times. I’ve gotten frustrated so many things, that I gotten to the point to where I wanted to give up. Lucky within me, giving up wasn’t an option, well at least not for me.

Doing the things that I can’t normal do, push my old limits higher and my abilities into a different direction. Meaning that a one point painting, reality drawing and self portrait was hard. Doing the things that I couldn’t do was hard but I didn’t give in. I felt great, being able to draw reality object, people, animals, etc…, it was great. Self portrait was nothing different, but a little hard. Within this year, I had fun pushing my abilities forward and be on, but within a great artist, there is always/usually a person that influence the person to become better.  
