The Change Up
need to go get buckets! It’s all about buckets!” I yelled at Jaaz.
I get buckets.” Jaaz replied.
Yea that’s what they all say, I’ll believe it when I see it.” I responded.
My friends and I create different meanings to words and use slang, to us what we’re saying makes sense, but to a person who doesn’t know the lingo they’ll probably be confused. This is one of my many “languages”. I speak basketball. There are times when knowing different languages is beneficial, like when trying to understand people different people and there also times where this language is not necessary like in the business world or when speaking to adults where this informal language would not be accepted. Being around a language long enough, it’ll begin to become something you’re accustomed to. Outsiders to any language, like people around you may begin to understand the language and maybe begin to use it themselves. My little sister proved this to me. One day when I waked in the house after one of my basketball games my little sister approached me and she said,
you frying today??”
“Pause, do you even know what frying is?”
I responded
Haneef.” She said in a sarcastic tone and smirk on her face
get smart with me little girl!” I yelled “ And how do you even know what frying
is? Where did you learn this, because I know I didn’t teach it to you.”
may be six, but I not slow. I heard you nd your friends say it so many times
that I jus figured it out.” She said.
whatever I’m going to my room.”
the book, From the Borderlands, by Glona Anzonldína it was said that,
of the languages we speak are:
Standard English
Working class and slang English
Standard Spanish
Standard Mexican Spanish
North Mexican Spanish dialect
Chicano Spanish (Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California have regional
Tex Mex
Pachuco (called caló)”
All of the languages mentioned in the small passage above were learned by first being around them due to the family’s constant movement. Each language learned was the norm of that environment and was imperative to learn in order to succeed in that environment. One of my many languages is the one I use when with my friends. This language sounds completely different than with my parents or at a job interview. It’s code switching. This code switching is necessary in order to be respectful, succeed in the business world, and to hold a good reputation with elders; i.e. teachers and other adults. When speaking with my friends I don’t tend to use “proper English”, mostly because I don’t have to and also because different environments require different things in order to be successful.
A perfect example of this is probably is
in the person reading this essay, just think. When with your parents think
about how you act compared to when you’re with your friends, and then compare
both of those to the you act when with your coworkers or classmates and boss or
any figure authority. Slang is something that I grew up around, and so it came
naturally. Now that I’m older, in different situations I am able to talk
“proper” in order to do what society thinks it the right. Whereas in an
informal environment it’s the complete opposite, I can speak “improper” without
any consequences.
Everybody is raised in a different
environment than the next. I’m proud of the way I was raised. The area I grew
up in may have effect my “language”. But due to societies need for perfection,
my language or what society would call a flaw is hidden under the mask of the
persona I use in order to succeed in this world. This is Code switching.
Everyone does it; whether it’s to try to succeed in this world by doing what
society say is good. Or in interest of being respectful to elders because maybe
the way you interact with your friends is not acceptable around adults. Either
way, code switching is necessary for any person who believes they want to
succeed in more than one environment during their adolescent and adult lives.
But when code switching the world will never see the real you. So the choice is
for you to make. Either code switch to have a chance to make something of your
life in this world, or be yourself in every environment, rebel against the
norms of society with the risk of not becoming successful in life.
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