The Downside of Dementia

I am someone with a great-grandma just like anyone else. But the difference between my great-grandma and some others is that she has dementia, and just recently I’ve come to realize the struggles of having dementia (seeing it second hand) and dealing with someone with the disease. After seeing examples for what we can do and what the seniors have done with this project I knew that I had to do research and further expand my knowledge of dementia and the different types. I chose this topic because I think that the awareness of dementia and how it affects older people is not known as much as it should be. I think I’ve always been surrounded by the knowledge of it because of my great-grandma and that makes me lucky because of the larger population that doesn’t know. But I think not knowing can also account to the numerous places of neglect that older people get that have this mental illness and other kinds of sort. Having different resources and knowledge to help can really better the community. Because of this I’ve found a lot of different resources showing different studies and explaining the different types of dementia. With this info it has made me realize that people with dementia have to be dealt with care and patience because there's a lot going on in their brain that they sometimes don't even know about. This realization made me think about the care facilities for older people with dementia and other mental health issues. Even though there are some facilities that have a good care system some don’t, and I think spread awareness about those facilities would be a great thing. There are many different ways to help people with these struggles but I think with the right information you can do a lot. Knowledge and awareness can help a lot with change and and I think that with my info I can do a lot with it. Sources:
