The Effects Of Evil Warlocks

There once was an island made of chocolate. It rested in the northernmost part of the world and the frozen milk chocolate land held itself proudly and supported the gingerbread people that lived upon it. The meager homes of the ginger-people were made of ginger-elder bodies and ice cream, which may seem cruel but was all they could do to create a shelter for the roots of the taffy trees that held jelly bean fruit dug deeply into the chocolate earth and could not be cut down. The ginger-people of this chocolate land kept up their health by drinking milk from their magical lakes and feasting on the bodies of sour patch children that were scattered along their island.These ginger-people lived in peace and happiness for hundreds of years, oblivious to the world around them.

One day years later…

A ginger-child with golden brown skin and white, creamy hair was out playing and hadn't come home. It was a Sunday and most of the ginger-people had spent the day in their homes with their families when suddenly the village could hear screams of this young child. The mother ran out of her home to look for the ginger-child when she realized she couldn't move. Her feet had stuck in the chocolate ground around her and when she realized she couldn't move she called to her ginger-husband. He stood at the door of his home and did his very best to pull her out, but couldn't manage. He went inside his home, used his magical box that connected them to world through something called the inter-web and looked for a way to save his wife and child from the embrace of their chocolate island.

He found that at a certain temperature chocolate melted! This melting was causing the softening of his chocolate earth and this is how is lover and child became caught. He also found that this change in temperature was due to a magic spell called Global Warming that was being cast by evil witches and warlocks that lived across the globe. What did this mean for his island?For weeks and weeks he researched and thought of new ways to fix this melting of his island, but there was nothing he could do. And eventually, this chocolate island melted and became nothing more than a piece of the sea and the culture of the ginger-people was lost forever.
