The Finale
During my research I discovered three different organizations throughout this whole project- Project 440, LiveConnections and Astral Artists. Before this project, I had heard of LiveConnections because our class went to World Cafe Live and saw a few Bridge Sessions (a wonderful experience!). I was delighted that there were these successful organizations improving the classical music community, especially in Philadelphia! I am very interested in reaching out to them and learning more about what they do and how I could become involved.
For my Original Research, I was very proud of my interview, especially since I had a failed survey. I would've wanted to of had another interview with possibly a student musician in one of my orchestras. Or an adult connected to of one of the organizations I found.
And finally, for my Agent of Change, I wanted Zach to have his presentation shown to my class but in the end, the logistics did not work out. So I reached out to Project 440, LiveConnections and a few of my instrumental teachers, looking for a presentation that could be shown to my class. After lots of correspondence, both organizations had to decline. Instead, I did a presentation to my advisory which, even though rushed, worked out in the end. Unfortunately, this part was very challenging for me. I had to completely turn around from expecting a presentation from an outside organization, to planning one myself and figuring out when and to whom I would present it to. I would have wanted to take this to the next level by asking more people to draw their reactions to pop and classical music, not just my classmates or my advisory. I could’ve asked teachers or even musicians. I think it would’ve been interesting to see other reactions to pop vs. classical and more artwork! Also, I wish I researched musical therapy more because I found it extremely fascinating and was disappointed I only touched on it a bit in my last blog post.
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