The Glass cup
We were assigned this project to learn how to draw glass objects, from the perspective of a human eye. This gave us an understanding of how what makes glass, glass. The shaping of the lines, the reflection, where the light catches the different areas on the glass, and where to draw the shadows to make the glass come to life. The most difficult part of this assignment was to figure out how to make glass, look like glass, on paper. Different areas of the glass had different shadings, and it was hard to determine where to put that on the drawing. Besides that, when my work was going well, I feel as though I accomplished way more than I would’ve thought, and I feel proud of the time and effort I put into it. My favorite part about my work is the shading. I did good on combining light and dark shadings and merging them onto the picture.
At first when I began the drawing, I drew crosses to make the circles. I did this because Emma told us that it would make our circles much neater than they usually are. Then after I drew the circles I started to draw the general shape of the glass. Doing these steps in this order made it easier to get an understanding of how the glass should be shaped in all areas. Then I began to shade. When I began to shade I started to do it really light and then I used the eraser to make the clearness of the glass, but as I was doing that I realized that not all of the glass is light. There are some dark, light, and white places, hitting the glass in all different areas. After realizing that, I erased the light shadings, and I turned my light shading into a dark shading, and when I found a place in the picture where there was some lightness included I took the eraser, and started canceling out the dark areas. Doing this project I figured that when having a light shading, then having to draw a dark one, seems more difficult to me. I prefer drawing a dark shading first, then start adding the lightness.
Doing this project I believe I have grown into a better artist, because I’ve learned a lot of new techniques that would help me improve my drawings in the future. Before this project, it would take me 5 minutes to draw a perfect circle. Now it takes me no more than 5 seconds. Doing this project I also got a lot better at shading and analyzing objects, which would be a technique that would be most useful to me, in this art class.
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