The Good Friends Episode 4

Hey guys!
For those of you who have not seen the third episode yet and still don't know about some of the changes we made, I am here to explain it all. We realized that our 20 minute episodes were just. to. long. But what can I say...we like to talk. So hoping that we could get more viewers and more shows out, we changed the length of our episode to about 10 minutes. They are still just as awesome, just a bit shorter. We have also been uploading all of our episodes, behind the scenes, and any other clips to our youtube page (Link is at the bottom of this). So for those of you who do not follow us on twitter, which you should if you have one, just know to keep checking up on our youtube page since that is where we post most of our stuff. But since we are amazing people I wanted to make sure I got episode four on the SLA homepage. Don't forget to keep watching The Good Friends!

To check out all our other episodes and clips check out the youtube page:

Also for other news check out our twitter and follow us!
Twitter: @TheGoodFriends
