The Journey of Eba

Our story portrays the death of all women on earth, except one. The story describes the events leading up to Eba’s suicide. The world, Eba once knew is no longer what it used to be, which causes her to develop an internal conflict. While she struggles with the fact that her body has become a birthing machine, she later considers all the future generations of women she will have to give birth to, and how they will experience the struggle from the time they hit puberty. Which is what pushes Eba over the edge.

Dystopian BM - Colin, Jalop, Luke, and Ahnyah

Comments (5)

Justin Preston (Student 2025)
Justin Preston

The storytelling is really beautiful and it shows more emotion than some of the other characters. The descriptions make us see the personal writing styles of each writer which also made me enjoy this story even more. Overall, I liked the story structure of this story.

Violet Brenner (Student 2025)
Violet Brenner

The writing is all so beautifully written and flows really nicely. I liked the vivid description that Jalop used in her writing. It was such a well crafted story idea and all the sections tied together perfectly.

Naw Sweet Pea Chit Ba (Student 2025)
Naw Sweet Pea Chit Ba

I really like this story, I like how Colin put the time and the date on top of each story. I also like how all three of the writings connect each well and how they flow. This story tells a lot about the differences between men and women, I feel like the first person wiring style add a bit more emotion to it.

De'Naiza Watson (Student 2025)
De'Naiza Watson

One technique I saw Jalop use that I really liked was her use of counting down and reflecting at the end of her section. I feel like it is a good reflection of everything Ebas been through, but also gives the reader a sense of understanding for her decisions. I got a sense of appreciating things before they cease to exist and recognizing the importance.

Thorne Englander (Student 2025)
Thorne Englander

The writing here is amazing, the sentence structure and flow works very well. however I have a few questions about the plot. I wish the purging of women had been explained better and we had been given more background. King Henry and Dr Nefario come out of nowhere. I feel like the emotional beats here are very well done but I struggle to connect myself with the story when I feel as though the world building is missing a few important pieces. in a world where women aren't real I feel like men wouldn't chase women down like FNAF because they are needed to survive.