The life of a Pregnant Teen Part 2

    I live in West Philadelphia and there are a number of teen mothers. Just walking from point A to B. I slightly observed a glib of what young mothers go through. Meaning, the stress of caring for an infant with limited income and resources. Difficulties of maintaining work and school responsibilities, finding employment and childcare, and finally excelling well academically. Some teen mothers makes it look like it's so easy, however others are obviously stressed, dealing with the  pain of being a young mother, and finally some have realized it was a devastating mistake.  
    There is one thing  I noticed, and that is everyone has flaws and make mistakes. So why judge others? I also notice people walking down the street and will see a teen mom and instantly make this judgmental face towards this teen mother.  In this blog I'm focusing more on judging then an actual pregnancy.  How does a teen feel during a long 9 months period of pregnancy. This is a  nine months of having a balloon size stomach.
    In our English 9th grade class, we had a debate. We focus on the topic of teen pregnancy. The debate had two sides, how the media influences sex within teens and how it doesn't. This debate opened the eyes of many people. People realized that many things have an effect on a pregnancy. For an example, showing sex scenes in teen movies allow teens to think having sex won't have any bad results. When in reality there are bad results and consequences.  
    This topic, has such a powerful understanding of Tenn pregnancy, how people judge and criticize. There are so many points of view, and this is only one point. But the most strongest point of view is from teen parents.
