The Metrogorian Beat

For our contemporary kafkaesque, we choose to do a literature blog. This project was assigned after our reading of Frank Kafka's "The Metamorphosis". We incorporated a previous assignment of many theories (Buddhism, Duel-Casteism, Marxism,etc) into the final product as well. The themes included throughout our pieces are equality and gay rights, the class system, foster kids, mental illnesses, and racism. The website is the collection of the audience response, cultural fabric, and press release. Our press release was the cover of the new book by renown author Gerald Petrovsky.The audience response was a review of the book "Voracity" (which is the literature piece we created). Our cultural fabric is consisted of 5 articles. All of the other articles that talks about our themes refers back to the main review, which you can find here. A review seemed fit for this piece since we wanted to model our project after something like The Washington Post. 
