The Right to Assemble

1st Amendment (Right to Assemble)
We can come together and act as a collective voice. We bring awareness from a grass-root level to what we think the issues are and how to solve them. Our unity can convince the government and officials to reform policies and have the interest of the people in mind.

·       Why did you choose this topic?

    • With Phresh Philadelphia and the things that I’ve been interested in lately, the right to assemble was something that I think is very important. Lately I’ve been into African American society and the problems within the African American community and the right to assemble is something that should be utilized within the community.

·       What did you like about this project? What was most challenging?

    • I liked the video aspect of the project. The most challenging part for me was the editing and putting it all together. The question I had was, “What do I say?” because the right to assemble is important.

·       Describe the most interesting fact or event that you investigated.

    • The most interesting event that I investigated would be Fracking. I know it is pretty overdone however I liked the approach that certain people made. I loved Gas Lands and the fact that people actually are trying to assemble and fight off this abomination.

·       How could this project be improved?

    • I don’t think we had a lot of historical evidence. It was unclear as to how much we needed. We were unsure of whether the project was what does this amendment mean or was it what does it mean and information.

·       Where did you run into trouble with the project?

    •  Changing Partners.

·       What went well with this project?

    • The videos and the things that were used and put together.

·       If you had it to do over, what would you change about your decisions or your process?

    • I would have definitely started the project a bit earlier just to establish more historical fact.

·       What did you learn?

    • I learned a lot about partners and equal work ethic.

 Righttoassemble   <-------The video don't work
