The Runner: The Runner is a short movie that we created over the course of the 2nd quarter for Rough Cut Productions. With an unknown purpose and objective, Robert Broadwater (The Runner) sets out to deliver a package that was given to him by "The Boss" (Mr. Herman). Throughout the movie, the audience is left with the questions, "Who is 'The Runner'?, what is the purpose of this film, what is the primary reason behind the delivery of the package, and what is in the package?" There is no character development throughout the movie and no script and while it all seems so strange to the viewer, it is strangely entertaining with the gripping stunts, fight scenes, and mystery behind every aspect of the film. Our intentions for this film are simply to entertain, leave a audience in wonder over the course of the movie, and even make others laugh. We hope that you enjoy our short film, "The Runner."
… A lot of sweat and blood went into this film… well, maybe not blood… okay some, but there was definitely a lot of sweat and pain… It paid off.
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