The Sacrifice of a Minion

    Once upon a time in a far away land called Northeast Philly, a young family sat in the basement of their relative's home waiting for a speech to come from their leader, Mom. Mom was a complex creature, an incredibly emotional person and you had to be careful what you said to her and how you reacted to her news. She saw everything and she overreacted to everything. So, the three minions sat in patience waiting for whatever life-changing thing was going to happen this time. The eldest minion had an idea, but refused to believe that it could possibly be the reason they were gathered there. And then, Mom let the bomb drop; a baby was to be born. And Mom watched each of the minions as they rejoiced of the creature to become part of their village. And each of the minions did rejoice, on the outside.
No one's quite sure whether the youngest minions were earnest in their rejoicing or not, but some of us understand that the eldest minion was shaken to her very core about the news. If not for the fact that Mom would surely be exceedingly upset if her favorite minion began to cry, she would have been curled up and sibling against the cold, hard ground. But, every one knows that your leader comes first, always. And if rejoicing meant leaving a smile on Mom's face, then that was what her minions would do.
