The Teenage Struggle, Life is so Hard #2
So as before I go over the stuff that I want to talk about in this second blog post, I am going to do a quick recap of the important points that were brought up in the blog post #1.
In the first blog post (which by the way you can check out here) the main things that I went over were things like teenage stress levels by the percentages which shown to be higher than those in adults, a brief summary of why stress really comes in to anyone’s life, and an explanation of what the project for the class was about. These were the main points that I brought up in the blog post #1, if you want to see them more in detail you can always just check it out from the link above.
This is an image of a student (me) who is playing the role of a person who supposed to be very stressed about something that is school related.
From the time that I posted my blog post one I have learned in more detail a lot of the triggers that cause teen stress and I feel as though I saw a pattern in my research. What I learned is that the number one trigger that causes stress amongst teens is more likely than not something that is school related, which does have a large range of things that can span from. It can be from things that directly connect to school work as shown in the image below. And I know because I have seen this kind of thing go on in front of my own eyes. It typically happens in a situation when someone gets a grade that themselves or parents are not thrilled about so they stress over it.
But what also could be school related socially connected things, this range can range from things like not having any friends in school, or having people bully you in school or things like that. Now this is actually a really big problem because there are a lot of teens who commit suicide every year for being bullied and things in that general area. And a lot of cause of teenage suicide are things like: failing big exams, breaking up with boyfriend/girlfriend and the last thing I want to bring up is family issues.
Having problems at home can take a big toll of someone live not even talking about just teenagers, but humans in general and I would be able to tell you since I experience it first hand in my own life. Problems at home are just as important as problems that you may face at school. If you are person who is living in a steady and reliable home but you have things under control at school, you will probably have much less to deal with mentally than someone who is having problems at home and at school. And to be honest, they affect each other.
But the last thing that I want to talk about is some original research that I have done myself and a bit of stuff that that I have been reading about in articles. So what I did was sent out a survey to my fellow ninth grade peers in my english class. So with the survey results I got back some information like this.
This is showing the responses of what people said that was the main cause of their stress. The information in percentages is: 88% of people said it was school related, 46% said that is was something home related, and 50% said that it is caused by something socially related. So with this information it is clear where the main sources of problems start to filter in, and honestly it is not surprising. The amount of stuff that people have to deal with in high school can be a bit overwhelming. But I have more information as well, I have the responses from my survey that tell what people do mainly to help them deal with their stress and the percentages will be as shown.
Listen to music- 3%
Take Deep Breathes- 6%
Play with: Friends/Pets/Family - 16%
Play Video Games / Get on Social Media/ Listen to music etc - 20%
Just work through everything they need to do - 3%
Step Away from everything - 6%
Work Out - 3%
Sleep - 13%
Cry - 3%
Play a sport/ - 10%
Punch Something - 6%
This is a very widespread amount of information all in one place, however it seems like the top things that people do to deal with stress are: Play Video Games / Get on Social Media/ Listen to music etc, and Play with: Friends/Pets/Family. Now with this information, people who go under some kind of stress, (which 50% of people say happen to them on the day to day) these are some things people could try out to try and not be stressed anymore.
So in conclusion what I want to do in the future for something like my agent of change project is find out ways where I can push out some of those ways to deal with stress to the public.
To see my annotated bibliography click here.
My Survey Can be take here
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