The Weekend
This Saturday night my mom invited friends and family over for game night to celebrate her 40th birthday. My family and close friends are very competitive, so things got crazy very quickly. Plus, the constant flow of alcohol made things even more hectic. There was a great amount of name calling, smack talking and trash talking. It was probably the best fun I ever had with my family in a long time. It was even better because my boyfriend was there to enjoy all the fun, too. The party ended pretty late, around 1-1:30, and I was exhausted! I woke up the next morning and me and my mom went to breakfast, at our usual spot, Junes. After our regulars we went shopping , and then after went to the coming out party for political candidate Isiah Lewis (random, I know). He use to work for my mom so we went to support him. Hopefully I will be volunteering for campaign soon. Later that night we went out to Chili's with my mom's best friend, and daughter. That had to be the worst time we ever had at Chili's but it was hysterical. We had the pleasure of having a new waitress, and it was obvious in her work. My mom and friends were very angry, while me and Semaj just kept laughing. I had a pretty eventful weekend, and it was pretty good. I guess that it made me ready for this upcoming week, hopefully.
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