Things don't always go your way

“ Why do you always do this when I need something?”


“ You know what, you can keep it all ”


I always wondered what goes through the mind of a mother. I don’t always ask for stuff unless I need them and that day was the day I needed my money back. When you want to go to a place you always wanted to go you would want to do anything, for you just to go. And that was what I did that day. I don’t usually overreact like this but for some reason my mind just went off. 


            It was a nice day out on my birthday, July 3rd 1996. I had a small birthday party at my house. Most of the time it’s just my family and my mom’s friend. So, today was the same as always. I got birthday money that was about 300 dollars. It was all given to my mom because it was mostly her friends giving me money. Like always my mother decided to keep the money and let me spend it little by little. Most of the time when I get that much money it would be gone in one day. The reason I didn’t whine about it is because I know if I get that money I would spend it on dumb things. So, I let her keep it for me.


            A couple weeks later, my cousins were going Dorney Park. I always wanted to go there because I never went there ever in my life. The only place I usually go is Six Flags. So I went home all happy and asked my mom for my money for that one day. Then the next word I heard was a no. I wondered why she said no and then she explained to me how I spend too much money. I tried to tell her that this was a once a summer event but she didn’t seem to understand me. 


            We continued to argue about this situation for about an hour. Until I just sat there and kept my mouth shut. I knew there wasn’t a point fighting a battle I know I can’t win. I know it may seem I was overreacted but if you were in my shoes at that time you would probably be doing the same. Most of the time when I argue with my mom I would stop after 10 minutes but this time I had a feeling telling me that I shouldn’t and I should just keep going on. I knew there was no point of this but I really wanted to go. Soon my mom called my sister to tell her what happened. She talked to me and gave me a lecture, but at this point I didn’t care. I then again gave it another try and asked my mom for my money back, the same thing happened. Except this time I’m walking through that front door out to somewhere I didn’t even know. But there was one place I always go to, to get away from my problems and that was my cousin house. My mom knew I would end up there, but just in case she called my grandma to make sure. And knowing my family gossip is a big thing they do. The smallest things can happen and family members across the world would find out in an hour. I stayed at my cousin house for a week. Then I went back home. I always go home in the morning because no one is awake yet. It makes me feel less awkward. Then when I reached my destination I realize I don’t have any keys. I rang the door bell about twice no one responded. I planned on sitting in front of the house for about and hour but I was still tired. So, here I go back to my cousin house. It is funny how when I walked all the way backs to my cousins house my aunt called me to tell me she opened the door for me. Off I go again back home. I walked in the house I felt kind of weird but I didn’t care. Then I went to get check on my mother like I always do. She talked to me about us arguing. But she decided to give me back my money anyways because she felt bad.

             What I have learned from this is you cant always get what you want, you have to take your time and show that you want it to get the things you want. I know this was just me being a spoiled brat but just from this little argument I learned a lot.

