Third Conversation

Partners Name: Theadora Farah

City y Country: Philadelphia, USA



I was having a hard time the last two weeks keeping the conversation going so that is my big goal for this week. I think I did that well.



Who you spoke with and why you chose that partner

I spoke with Thea a senior at SLA. She is one of my friends who is fluent in Spanish and I felt comfortable talking to.

What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?

She is reading a new comic series, I learned that talking to someone you know vs someone on livemocha is easier to keep a conversation because you know the basics about them.

How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goals?

I realized that my personal goals would be hard to gain through speaking with other people so I created a new goal of just gaining confidence and learning to keep a conversation flowing, which I was able to do.

What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations? What specifically to you need to improve on?

I did well though I was trying to do the “Do not use word reference challenge” and failed after only a little bit. 

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Comments (3)

Daniel Wirt (Student 2013)
Daniel Wirt

Yea it sounds like a good idea for you to be able to talk to someone that you know and that you are comfortable with. I can see that it helped you in talking to her in spanish.