"This Bi-polar Love Affair Just Ain't Where it's at for me Anymore.."

This morning you smiled at me and all I felt was your warmth.
This afternoon you looked down at me with sad eyes and I felt your pain.
This evening you glared in my general direction and I felt your coldness.

Yesterday you held me close for a few infinite minutes and touched my forehead with your gentle lips.
Today you looked through me, turned away and kept walking in the opposite direction.
And who knows what tomorrow will bring.

You change in an instant, it never takes even a word. My very being make you run between happiness, sadness, anger and so many things in between. And eventually you'll come back to me in happiness and walk away in anger all over again. And I'll still accept you willingly and watch you leave with tears in my eyes and then I will straighten my back and keep walking through life as best I can as the cycle repeats itself over and over.
