Three Branches of Government Quarter 2 Benchmark
Click here for my list of laws, cases and offices.
At first I had no idea how to go about searching for 12 laws, cases and offices. I started by searching for specific lists of laws and such, but realized that the interfaces with lists weren't organized enough to throughly search for information. Then I moved to thinking about my life and the things I encounter everyday and moving from there. I thought about the things in my life that are positive and what exactly in the government ensures that those rights and ways of happiness are present in my life. This process as a whole was quite simple, but time consuming in a way that I didn't anticipate but through it I realized that as I get older more laws will most begin to affect my life. Most laws don't affect me because I am not yet independent from my mother and laws that involve things such as marriage and housing don't affect me directly. Overall, this has been an interesting process of figuring out how and why the I'm regulated to stay away from certain things and when these regulations were inherited to our country, state and/or city.
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