Three Mile Island: Pullins, Guercio, Henninger
a. What went well?
We found a lot of good information and sources. There were many official reports of what happened at three mile island. We found sources that discussed both the technical aspects like how it happened and reports that we based more on how the accident affected the residents. Overall, finding all the information that would be put into the infographics was the simplest part.
b. What did not?
I didn't realize how difficult it would be to create entertaining graphics on the page that would still be informative. When looking at examples you don't think how difficult it would be to recreate that. There are many aspects of creating a good looking infographic that aren't realized until trying to put one together. I think that if we had looked at our image as a whole, we could have created a better end product.
c. What would you do differently next time?
I would make sure we had enough infographics. I would try to display information from many different sources showing different people's opinions of the accident. I would have liked to show some of the more technical aspects, like how the accident actually happened and how it affected the surrounding area. Overall though, I am happy with the final product.
d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics
The tips were a helpful guide to remind us of what our projects should include. I think our group followed some of these tips, but did not get 10/10. Our project was informative but it was not the most creative project. The project is neat but not exactly eye-catching.
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