Time la Hora, By Willie Willson and Matthew Hamilton

    Asking for the time is important in every language.  Imagine that your on a cruise and your ship is going to leave in 1 hour.  You are in a spanish speaking country and you need to ask what time it is so your ship wouldn't leave without you.  That's when asking what time it is would be involuntarily important.

    You can ask what time it is three ways.  You can say,"¿Que hora son?"(k ora s-on),"¿Que hora es?"(k ora es), or "¿Que hora tiene?"(k ora t-ie-nes).  Que hora es is the most commonly used one of these three.

    In order to answer these questions you would say,"Son las ____."(s-on las___) which is used for everything above 1 o'clock.  In order to say 1o'clock you would say,"Es la una."  In order  to say times that don't exactly fall upon the hour you add on,"y ____."(eee).  To say something is at a certain time you say,"A la ___."(ah la)  There are easier ways to say certain times, though, are quarto for 15, and media for thirty.  You can also say,"Menos (Any number over 45)."(men-os).

    Say a friend comes up to you and asks you what time you get out of school by saying," Cuando nos vamos de la squela."(quand-oh nos vam-os de la sque-la)  You say," A la tres de quarto." in response.
