Title: How to ask and say the days of the week? Bach Tong and Shannon Powers

Explanation 1: When you want to ask someone what day of the week it is you say:¿Qué dia es hoy?. If you are asked by a person who speaks español, you would answer: Hoy es....
This could also apply when asking:
¿Qué dia es mañana? (What day is tomorrow?). In this situation, you would answer: Mañana es....
You can even ask what day is a certain date is: ¿Qué dia es la.....(date)? For instance: What day is November 2nd? In that situation, you would say: ¿Qué dia es la dos de noviembre? Answer should be as La dos de noviembre es martes. (November 2nd is Tuesday.)

Explanation 2: Using this will help you to better communicate with others in the español community. You can use this to chat with people, asking for day... It is always helpful to be conscious of what day of the week it is. Note: En Español, there is no capitalization require for day of the week as we do en Inglés. For words that start with "h", the "h" should be silent. We don't actually pronounce "h" en Español. For example, "hoy" should be pronounce as /oy/. Also words that begin with "j" actually pronounce as "h". For example "jueves" should be pronounce as /hu-e-ves/.
