Today's Impact by Malik Tlili Q4 Bm

*What if the Wright brothers received a toy boat rather than a penaud helicopter as boys.*

  • My Point of Divergence (POD) comes from sources providing the initial interest of flight by the Wright brothers. The interest has came to the wright brothers when they were just boys. I did more research on this topic and found out it was due to a penaud toy that they received as children. I decided to change the penaud helicopter to a toy boat and analyze how this might effect the future. 
  • I envisioned the Wright brothers becoming more interested in floating devices that transport people across large bodies of water. From this interest the boys will discover the "Shoes that walk on water" theory by leonardo Da Vinci. They will make this theory into reality and the invention will be beneficial to modern day. 
  • I enjoyed creating primary sources. Throughout this whole year we have been collecting primary sources from the internet and it is interesting to create our own for once. This was a relief and enjoyable task for me to complete. 
  • The most interesting piece of evidence that i investigated must be leonardo's shoes that walk on water. I found this as a strikingly ridiculous idea but yet possible. I then decided to create a point of divergence involving the shoes rather than exterminating the invention of planes. 
  • Technology is a huge component of history. As technology progresses there are new ways to settle on land as well as protect our land. In this specific POD our 2 individuals have taken the concept of walking on water and used it to help guard the nation's borders. 
  • Our 2 individuals have taken the concept of walking on water and spread the invention all over the world. This means the invention by these 2 men have been manufactured and distributed in large numbers. This contribution leads to a systemic change that benifits our nations military. 
  • I believe one individual's decision can greatly effect history's landscape. As one person makes one decision, others then view the future in a parallel perspective. If this decision were to be slightly different. Every other perspective will change as well. For example the wright brothers were influenced by the penaud helicopter and Da Vinci's perspective of flying. If Leonardo Da Vinci did not have these ideas, the wright brothers will never come across the possibility of flight. 
  • This project can certainly be improved in the effect aspect. If i were to have more time i would create more primary courses that are more modern. For example the tragic events such as september 11th or pearl harbor will never have taken place. This will then change the way we view our nation's security. 
  • If i were to do this project all over i would jump straight to Da Vinci's view of flight and erase it from history. Even though my final product does not revolve around Da Vinci's view of flight, i believe it will still be further investigated by someone other than the Wright brothers.

Click Here for "Created Primary Sources". 
