Tyree's Play


- Young Liberian girl around 16 years old.
- Pirate Dirty around 45 years old.
- Pirate 1
- Pirate 2

Act 1, Scene 1


A child in Liberia can only live

[Black girl, long hair, hazel eyes, wealthy family]

look at at my family, and i am grate full. we live in a poverty
stricken land, and yet my parents have struggled to make a life for me
and my sisters. the few virtues we have such as an a nock off mp3
player a tv and a small amount of power each day, my parents surprised
me once, they wanted to take my sister and i on a boat trip, the sea
was cold and barren, the unsettling feeling of dark chill came over me.
they attacked the boat, sinister screams fulled the cabin space. they
broke into my room, and kicked the bed room door my sister and i were
sharing, they paused at me, when they saw me. they were pirates, their
faces dirty almost diseased looking, my father ran to us but their were
too many, i watched my father being beaten to death, and my mother
rapped while those bastards just watched and took turns, …......after
they were done they slit her throat …....and threw my mom.... and dad.
over board they turned to me and my sister and i. with a sinister look
on their face. (we can get a good price on the both of them, one man
said snarling). they were going to make us slaves, he referred to our
looks....we were going to be sex slaves. they grabbed us, licking and
screaming, we got down the then a whisper, a man fell. it was a gun the
pirates fought some men and died.


Act 1, Scene 2


[Dirty modern day pirate, light skinned, face blackened with dirt, dirty but untethered cloths.
2 person scene, little rich girl 16 years, ball Gounod(white) very dirty and torn, dirty and slightly bloody face.]

[same girl from 1st scene]

Braga family, i am Nadav, for
years you have oppressed my people, feeding off their need for
supplies. They work like dogs(spits on ground) children grow ill as
they cry and weep for their mothers warmth, as they lay down on the
floor alone with rats nibbling at their feet, while their mothers and
fathers bleed from the tips of their fingers making all you wealthy and
fat as you eat lean meat and share scraps...you,make clams of money and
freedom but at a cost imposable for them to see, we have seen your
“elegant” Lea oblivious to our pain prance about like a princess on the
backs of my people unknowingly leaching off of our
tournament......(eyes began to water) My son Leo, approached her once
stunned by her beauty....he wrote me once before telling he loved her
and they were going to run away together far from this place.....when
that day came she pretended like she had no idea who he was, one of
your Gard's beat him, my son was only 15, and he wheppted for her as
they were dragged apart.....he fought them....Six men of incredible
size threw him to the ground and beat him half to death. they told
stories how your men pounded his body into the ground, then whipped him
with barbed wire chains...two men held him at his knees then a third
took a shot gun to the back of his head....before the trigger was
pulled his sister ran to his aid, getting there just in time to see her
brother’s brains meet her face, they say you could hear the horror of
her shriek from ships out at sea....So now we are here, the power has
shifted...we what you have out-casted and called pirates now have your
precious jewel your untouched being...if you want her back to your arms
safe you will meet my demands. Otherwise we will send every piece of
her back to you in oil drumbs so you can see the that we will not
hesitate to kill anyone who cross our paths. you have one day to


Act 1, Scene 3

Poems of a Pirate

[Poem from a song, pause before each line and show emotion]

I see the children in the rain like the rain before the pain,
I see the love i see the hate i see this world that we can make,
I see the life i see the sky give it all to see you fly,
Yes we wave this flag of hatred but your the ones who made it,
Watch the beauty of all our lives passing right before my eyes,
I hear the hate in all your words..all your words to make us hate,
We get sick o so sick we never wanted all this,
Medication for the kids with no reason to live,
So we march to the drum as the damned as we come,
Watch it burn in the sun we are numb.

Act 1, Scene 4

Poems of a Pirate

[Poem from a song, pause before each line and show emotion]

As we walk among these shadows in these streets these fields of battle,
taken up we wear the medal raise your hands with burning candles,
hear us whisper in the dark in the rain u see the spark,
feel the beatings of our hearts, Fielding hope as we depart,
all together walk alone against all we have ever known,
All we ever really wanted was a place to call our home,
you take all we are, the innocence of our hearts,
made to kneel before the alter as you tear us apart,
So we march to the drum as the damned as we come,
watch it burn in the sun we are young.

Act 1, Scene 5

freezing in here, where the fuck are they taking me? it so damp in here
i can see black mold growing between the floor boards. It smells so bad
i want to puke(makes the stink/throw up face) if i do it will just sit
in here with me, making me sicker. i have no shoes to bare the weight
of this cold, the black mold between my toes feels disgusting. I cant
take this!.....(breath of relief) My sister, i hope she is ok.

