Use your imagination

They stood looking up at the building in front of them, three bodybuilder types, all wearing skullies. She gazed at the three men wondering what could possible holding their attention for so long.  No, the key to their salvation wasn't up there; she was sure of it.  She felt like an outsider, wanting to be in on their plan.  Then it came to her: they were going to rob the building.  It was their possible escape route that transfixed them.  They would go in the back gate, being sure to look as natural as possible for working class men in a mansion.  They would start in the kitchen, emptying every bottle of balsamic and extra virgin.  It was expensive stuff from what she had been told.  They would then scurry into the living room, quickly disconnecting the flatscreen and rolling the Yamaha straight through the door.  Of course, they wouldn't go near the bedroom, that would be too obvious.  Instead, they would find the bathroom and fantasize about the money they would make from the fine silk robes and extra plush towels inside.  Yes, it would be the perfect robbery, she thought.  She let her mind return to the men standing in front of her.  Now, with their backs turned, she could see the words on their matching hoodies: Mike's Roofing Specialists.  Well, that makes more sense anyway, she thought, trying to console her now bruised ego
