Verano Pasado

​Verano Pasado
Matt Ferry, Cecelia Baez, Candace Blocker, and Stephen Holts

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Our main goal is to help Noah to speak spanish. And we’re going to help him by teaching him how to talk about his interest and hobbies , What he did over the summer and also be able to talk about things that are happening right now. So by the end of this he will know how to say it all!!

The goals of our tutorial is to teach Noah how to use past tense and present tense and what he did over his summer.

Well.. Of course we started with a sketch ideas of what we wanted to do, and made a script but what we THOUGHT could match the goals. Trying to teach Noah about the ways of simple Spanish doings, and summer times. Past tense speaking. After time, we fixed our scripts and molded it to truly match our goals. Or to the best ability. knowing that it might not be perfect. but just good enough.

We’re proud of our creativity. The ideas we came up with to display our Spanish knowledge. The fact that we purposely mispronounced and mis-conjugated words and then corrected ourselves shows that we’re skilled when it comes to correctly using Spanish verbs

Questions For Noah
~Do you feel that you've learned more about pass tense verbs?
~What should we have changed?
~Was our video easy to understand?
~Did you enjoy it?
