Voice Of a Hispanic Girl.
"What would you like?" I responded by saying
"Can I have a....",
--But before I could even answer, the lady cut me off by saying,
"Oh my God! You're accent is so cute, where are you from?!?
Do you speak any Spanish?"
Usually this question doesn't annoy me, but I just get so tired
of answering it. When I answer that, then they ask me what's my ethnic back
round, then it starts a whole debate on who I am. Then I have those who doubt
who I am because of how I look on the outside. It's very stressful and
confusing, but I’ll break it down for you.
I am Mexican, Italian and African American. My father, who is more Mexican, is
where I get my accent from. It was terrible when I was younger, so I had to go
to many speech classes and finally, as of now, my accent is maintainable. After
awhile though, when it comes out, people start to gush over it. “
Oh my gosh your voice is so beautiful!”
“Oh my God where are you from?!”
Questions like this that tend to make me mad and upset that I
even have one. Often times though, people seem to think I’m faking it, which I’m
not. I have no reason to want to fake something as silly as a pointless accent.
Also just because I am part Hispanic does not mean I have to know any Spanish.
I get many mixed reactions to it; I have honestly never heard any hate towards
it though.
If I could change having an accent, would I do it?
Probably not.
But if I could change something about the situation of having
one, I would make it so that it’s not something that people gush over. I also
would stop the judgments made about my race before being asked.
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