W9 D1&2 - Print/Matt




My element is Technetium (Tc), its atomic number is 43. My element is man-made by two scientists, one of them was a photographer. It is also radioactive and a small amount is found in stars. I chose my imagery by thinking it was radioactive, i figured if i was radioactive, then i could have the numbers and symbol surrounding the radioactive symbol. I went through this process with difficulty. I had many ideas surrounded by the radioactive symbol, however this was the most interesting one. Then i put the picture on a wax paper then put it on a foam board and indented everything that i wanted to be white. After that i rolled ink on it and put 6 copies on pieces of paper. I then let them dry and picked 3 of the best ones, cut them down and cut out 2 pieces on construction paper for the background of 2 of them. I then put the construction paper as the background of two of them and left one of them with no background. I glued on the backgrounds and i was done. I i did this differently, i would’ve done the prints better on the white paper because they can out weird. I liked the printing the best because it was really fun to roll the paint onto the foam board then rub the wooden spoon on the back of it for all of the paint to get onto the white paper. I just really like painting.
